Friday, July 12, 2013

Look to learn and just for the hell of it

Sometimes I get these epiphanies and I just turn it UP! But some time I just flat out look like I live on the streets of Portland. It's days like this that's I search the magical/mystical world of the web to feed off some inspiration... And look at cats. Everyone knows tumblr but there are so many people on Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube who minus well be running Vogue. How do you find these people? find someone who inspires you, then stalk the living hell out of them... I know it sounds brash but hear me out. Once you've found this living inspiration find out who they follow on social media sites, go into their profiles and see if you like what you see, same with YouTube. Videos are much easier because YouTube does all the work for you giving you some related posts on their side bar. I'm not saying its going to be instant, but when there's nothing to do on a rainy day, this will be just what you need. Here are some pictures and names to get you started..

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